Specialist IB Maths Tutor in London

With extensive experience teaching IB Mathematics Analysis & Approaches (AA) at Higher Level and Standard Level, I craft bespoke learning strategies that address each student’s unique challenges for each lesson. 

There is no one size fits all approach, my method to IB Maths SL and HL tutoring combines deep curriculum knowledge with practical applications, helping students excel in examination papers.

Example walk through of an IB SL AA past paper question

student worrying with hand on their head looking at all the revision books he has to go through
student holding his head and pulling his hair as he is running out of time because of poor time management
student crying on the floor because they lacked preparation, versus a successful student who joined the maths bridging program

get ahead, Prevent Burnout

Join The IB Math AA Bridging Program

This program was born out of demand; it helps pupils prepare for higher education and gives them the skills and experience needed to transition to IB Math AA SL.

The leap to IB catches many students off guard. Start preparing now to prevent learning gaps. 

Regular, consistent practice beats cramming the syllabus in a few months, leading you to better grades and confidence.

Bridge the Gap -
From GCSE/German SEK 1 to IB Maths

Students from GCSE and German Sek 1 face different challenges, each program addresses relevant content gaps and identifies what other unique challenges each child is facing. I help them reach their full potential, no matter what learning level they’re starting from. 

Mathematics tutor bridging GCSE and KES I to IB Maths knowledge gap with student

GCSE To IB maths sL

4 To 6 Weeks

During summer, before IB starts is recommended.

~ Approx. 4 To 7 Hours Per Week

Number of sessions tailored to student’s availability, background and goals.

SEK 1 To IB Maths SL

8 To 12 Weeks

During summer, before IB starts is recommended.

~ Approx. 4 To 6 Hours Per Week

Number of sessions tailored to student’s availability, background and goals.

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